Boyes, S.J., Barnard, S. & Elliott, M. 2016. The East Riding Coastline: Past, Present and Future. Prepared for East Riding of Council (ERYC) by the Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS), University of Hull.
Fortuna C.M., Fortibuoni T., Bueno-Pardo J., Coll M., Franco A., Giménez J., Stranga Y., Claver C., Brasseur S., Fernández-Corredor E., Fraschetti S., Garcia-Garin O., van Leeuwen A., Louzao M., Peck M.A., Pedrajas A., Raicevich S., Ramírez F., Ransijn J., Russell D.J.F., Serena F., Sbragaglia V. and Katsanevaki S., 2024. Top predator status and trends: ecological implications, monitoring and mitigation strategies to promote ecosystem-based management. Frontiers in Marine Science, Sec. Marine Ecosystem Ecology, 11: 1282091. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1282091.
GPC-GIS, 2021. Multi-entity workshops for Abu Dhabi State of Environment Dashboards. Final report (Authors: Elliott M, Atkinson J, Barnard S, Burdon D, Franco A, Hasham F, Mohamed M.) to the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. December 2021.
Smith C., Papadopoulou N., Elliott M., Franco A., Barnard S., Borja Á., Uyarra M.C., 2022. Marine Strategy Framework Directive Terminology Definitions and Lists. GES4SEAS Project. Milestone 2.1 Report, November 2022, 299 pp.
Barnard S., Franco A., Burdon D., Atkins J.P. and Elliott M., 2023. EAD Knowledge Engineering. A Knowledge Management Platform for the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi Research Agenda. A report of International Estuarine and Coastal Specialists (IECS) Ltd to the Environment Agency of Aby Dhabi, 15 July 2023.
Papadopoulou N., Smith C.J., Franco A., Elliott M., Borja A., Andersen J., Amorim E., Atkins J., Barnard S., Berg T., Birchenough S., Burdon D., Claudet J., Cormier R., Galparsoro I., Judd A., Katsanevakis S., Korpinen S., Lazar L., Liquete C., Loiseau C., Lynam C., Menchaca I., O’Toole C., Pedreschi D., Piet G., Reid D., Salinas-Akhmadeeva I. A., Stelzenmüller V., Tamis J., Uusitalo L. and Uyarra M. C., 2023. GES4SEAS Deliverable 2.1. Ecosystem management approaches based on a review of the activity-pressures-effects chain towards achieving Good Environmental Status in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. May 2023, 162 pp.
Katsanevakis S., Sagarminaga Y., Fortuna CM., Amorim E., Birchenough SNR., Boicenco L., Borrello P., Bosch-Belmar M., Brasseur S., Bresnan E., Bueno-Pardo J., Camp J., Coll M., Claver C., de Angelis R., Doyle T., Ferrer L., Fernández-Corredor E., France J., Fortibuoni T., Franco A., Fraschetti S., Fumarola LM., Garcés E., Garcia-Garin O., Giménez J., Holland MM., Jakobsen HH., Jaspers C., Knudsen SW., Kobos J., Lanzén A., Leone A., Leoni V., Louzao M., Lynam CP., Magaletti E., Mazaris AD., Machairopoulou M., Montero N., Nikolaou A., Olenin S., Pagou K., Peck MA., Pedrajas A., Piraino S., Puntila-Dodd R., Raicevich S., Ramírez F., Ransijn J., Reñé A., Revilla M., Rilov G., Rodríguez GJ., Russell DJF*., Sampedro N., Sbragaglia V., Serena F., Spada E., Stæhr PAU., Stern R., Stranga Y., Teixeira H., Tidbury HJ., Tsirintanis K., Tsirtsis G., van Leeuwen A., Papadopoulou N., Elliott M., Borja A., 2023. GES4SEAS Deliverable 2.2. Technical report on the state-of-the-art in support of Ecosystem-Based Management approaches to address Harmful Algal Blooms, jellyfish outbreaks, invasive species, and decline of top predators. September 2023, 335 pp.
Franco A., Elliott M., Amorim E., Barnard S., Smith C., Borja A., Cormier R., Papadopoulou N., 2023. GES4SEAS Deliverable 2.3. Guidelines (Best Practical Options) for Practical Ecosystem Approach. October 2023, 236 pp.
Elliott M., Atkins J.P., Baird D., Cutts N.D., Franco A., Whitfield A., 2024. Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (and associated Documents) Submitted by the Sandpiper Project for the Proposed Extraction of Phosphate-Enriched Sediments from the Marine Mining Licence Area (MLA) No. 170 Off Walvis Bay, Namibia. Prepared by International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists (IECS) Ltd., Leven, for the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), Republic of Namibia, pp101.
Posters & Presentations
Franco A., Elliott M., Amorim E., Barnard S., Smith C.J., Borja A., Cormier R., Papadopoulou N., 2024. Assessment approaches supporting ecosystem-based management: key features for their practical implementation. International Symposium ECSA 60, Implementing Science-Based Solutions and Strategies for Coastal Resilience. Hangzhou, China, 2-5 September 2024 (Oral presentation).
Franco A., Amorim E., Elliott M., 2024. An approach for the Ecological Value Assessment of coastal and marine areas. International Symposium ECSA 60, Implementing Science-Based Solutions and Strategies for Coastal Resilience. Hangzhou, China, 2-5 September 2024 (Poster presentation)
Barnard S., Amorim E., Franco A., Papadopoulou N., Elliott M., Smith C.J., 2024. SEAS4GES: Optimising tool selection when applying EBM approaches to ecological assessment. International Symposium ECSA 60, Implementing Science-Based Solutions and Strategies for Coastal Resilience. Hangzhou, China, 2-5 September 2024 (Poster presentation)